Monday, April 09, 2012

How Easter Eggs are Made

Lemon: Can I ask you a question?

Laura: Sure, Lem.

Lemon: How are Easter Eggs made?

Laura: Well...since you're almost 6 years old, I think you're ready for "the talk".

Lemon: Oh boy, secret knowledge!

Laura: First, you need the Easter Bunny and an egg layer.

Lemon: Like me? I'm an egg layer.

Laura: Eggs-actly!

Lemon: Ok. What's next?

Laura: Lots o' love.

Lemon: Love?

Laura: Yep, an Easter Bunny/Lemon hug does the trick.

Lemon: Just like in the picture!

Laura: Just like in the picture, and suddenly, Voila!

Lemon: An eggstraordinary Easter egg creation.

Laura: Just like in the picture!

Lemon: Wow! That's so simple and it only takes 3 ingredients: Easter bunny, egg layer, love.

Laura: By the way Lemon, you look eggs-tra cuddly with the Easter Bunny. I think you've made a new peep.

Lemon: Ya, he's a good egg.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Duck the Halls
Merry Quackmas

Have a Quacktastic New Year too!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Lemon 2011

Spooky! This one is mine!

New Feathers...

Helping out in the garden

Snoozin' in my baby buggy

Laura: The summer was great, wasn't it, Lem?
Lemon: We went camping, swimming, and even to Story Land!
Laura: And don't forget, you grew a whole new set of feathers.
Lemon: I do that every year...don't I?
Laura: But every year I'm just so amazed! They are a work of art.
Lemon: This fall has been pretty fun too.
Laura: We went to King Richard's Fair, picked out pumpkins, and went on some fun book events.
Lemon: Don't forget we met Grayson, our new swan friend.
Laura: He was a true gentleman. At least I think Grayson is a "he".
Lemon: So, what are we doing this winter, besides snuggling of course.
Laura: Well, there's a list of events on your website, plus all the fun holiday stuff we're doing as a family, like going on the Polar Express next month.
Lemon: Will I get to see Santa?
Laura: You just want to make a nest out of his beard, you can't fool me.
Lemon: Quack!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Lemon: Hey! Here we are on Reading with Robin!
Laura: Our first time in a radio studio. What did you think Lem?
Lemon: It was just ducky. Robin was really nice and my new friend Elvis is just so handsome.
Laura: Elvis's mom, Mary, has a new book out about Water Dogs. It's called Winston the Waterdog.
Lemon: And, Elvis is a therapy pet too---like me!
Laura: Yes, you two have some things in common.
Lemon: Do you think Elvis and I could take a swim together this summer? After all, he has webbed feet, and I have webbed feet. Maybe we could have a race.
Laura: I know what you're up to. You want to slide down Elvis's back like a waterslide---just like with Bandit.
Lemon: Maybe...

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

What a Lucky Ducky!

Lemon: Look at the shoe that Lucky the Duck is wearing!

Laura : I wonder why Lucky needs it.

Lemon: Well, Lucky had a broken leg and had trouble walking so she needed a little help. Now she can swim and hang out with her peeps!

Laura: She looks like one happy duck!

Lemon: Happy and lucky!

If you would like to see a video about Lucky the Duck, please click here!

Friday, July 03, 2009

Lemon: What are you reading?

Laura: "Almost Perfect: Disabled Pets and the People Who Love Them"

Lemon: I see there is a dog with a scooter on the cover ---I have a scooter too. Does he have challenges?

Laura: Yes Lem, all of the stories in Almost Perfect are about animals with disabilities and the people who love them. Each one brings so much joy and inspires the people around them---just like you do Lemon!

Lemon: Is it hard work to take care of a pets with challenges?

Laura: You bet, and they’re worth every second. People tell me what a lucky duck you are to have me to take care of you, but like the people in this book, I feel lucky to have you in my life. All of the stories in this book show the wonderful animal-human bond. These stories illustrate what you and I already know---that we can all be happy, no matter what are challenges may be.

Lemon: Sometimes we just need a little help from our friends.

Laura: Right.

Lemon: Is this a book a duck would enjoy?

Laura: Every duck (and person), young and old will be inspired by these stories.

Lemon: Will you read it to me?

Laura: Of course Lem! We’ll start with Tuesdays with Tux….

Lemon: quacks... J

PS... If you'd like to have a copy of "Almost Perfect: Disabled Pets and the People Who Love Them" send Lemon YOUR almost perfect pet stories. We'll pull the entries out of a feathered hat. Please submit entries by August 31, 2009 to caseycoco @

Remember to take the spaces out of the e-mail address when you send your entry!